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May 4
I just moved to a new apartment and all rooms are tatami which is very costly when moving out so I decided to use joint mat cause it seemed easy and cheaper than the alternatives. First I went to daiso because I don't really need fancy flooring when I'm covering it with carpet afterwards and I can use it in the bedroom which will be hidden from most visitors but I underestimated the size and the amount of work to cut the edges straight so when 9sets of 9 from daiso It turned out to not be enough for 6 tatami room, I went to nitori next and bought the cheap same size with precut straight edges but I didn't expect it wouldn't fit with the one from daiso so I had to improvise but I still ended up short. 4more sets perhaps to finish the bedroom floor but by then I was too frustrated and tired and when I recalculated the cost this product, (which I've been eyeing from the start) is actually cheaper than the ones from daiso if it's for 6tatami room. And they're 3-4 times the size it's easier and quicker so I bought this set for the other room. I only wish they actually have size for 6tatami room. This set was enough with 2mats and a half of each color to spare for 6 tatami size but I still had to cut the last row. And it's very hard to cut especially without a long ruler. I thought could rely on the seemingly uniform designbut it turned out to be misleading. I don't think I've managed to cut even one mat straight but it's rubbery so it wasn't a big deal. I was just so tired from the other first two I tried and I wish I just bought two sets of this from the start. Which I probably will cause I'm still too lazy to finish the other room and I haven't even finished unboxing my things which is why I did take a whole picture of the finished room.
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